Sunday, March 20, 2011

Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

Japan experienced a 9.0 magnitude earthquake, followed by a tsunami on March 11, 2011. In addition to completely wiping out several coastal towns in Northern Japan, the tsunami and earthquake have triggered a nuclear crisis. Explosions in three major nuclear reactors spewed plumes of radioactive steam, raising alerts for radiation. Almost 10,000 people living near these reactors have been urged to leave.
The official death toll released by the Japanese government is 5,692 people with an estimated 9,506 missing. However, local police officials in coastal towns claim the death toll is much higher--reach 10,000 in certain towns--as bodies continue to was up on shore.

UNICEF is continuing to monitor the situation in Japan. Since Japan is a contributing member to UNICEF and not a recipient member of UNICEF aid, UNICEF does not usually operate within Japan. However, because of the scale of the crisis US Fund for UNICEF is working with the Japanese Committee in UNICEF to raise money.

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